What is a Chief Customer Officer?
Socio-economic change and advances in technology have given rise to an increasingly demanding and empowered global consumer. This new paradigm means that, to be a market-leading consumer brand, companies need to differentiate, compete and innovate Innovation does not apply only to systems and models but also to having a customer-centric organisational design that enables operational excellence. […]
Social media for business: 6 simple rules
Do you have a social media business strategy? Are you tweeting sporadically or only using LinkedIn to stalk old colleagues? Doing social media the right way means interacting with customers and extending your brand message to a wider audience. With what feels like a new social platform emerging every month, it can seem like a mammoth […]
Design sprint: what is it and do you need one?
How do you move at start-up speed? We recently spoke to Adam Perliss, former Design/UX Director at TIME Digital and founder of design thinking studio Academy NY. If you’re a CEO and aren’t incorporating design sprints (or even know what they are!) into your organisation’s framework, then you are giving up an edge on […]
Advisory boards: how to get the most out of them
In the previous primer on advisory boards, our Founder Orlando looked into the pros and cons of assembling one and the rudimentary principles behind them. Now he shall digs a little deeper into the process of getting the most out of them. I should first make the point that Advisory boards are not the […]
CIOs leading transformation: can’t see the business for the bytes
To stay relevant, a CIO needs to become business-focused rather than just technology-focused. For the last decade IT department spending has remained static at around 1% of sales. This does not, however, reflect the true amount being spent on technology because marketing, e-commerce and other parts of retail organisations are committing increasing amounts of […]
The future C-suite: the evolution of executives
What the future c-suite will look like is an important prediction for businesses. The role of executives has changes exponentially in the last few decades. The advancement of technology has opened up the demand for new roles like Chief Data Officer, that we couldn’t have previously imagined. In the last instalment of a three-part series, we consider what […]
The Modern C-Suite Part 2: New Roles
In Part 1 of this series we outlined the role of the CEO and how an open attitude to change and their ability to communicate a shared vision are key attributes for success. In Part 2, the focus is on the constituent parts of the C-suite, framed by the underlying question, “Who should be […]
What AirBNB, Uber and Etsy can teach you about scaling up
It’s every CEO’s dream: one day you’re at the helm of a bright young start-up with a great product gathering momentum. Before you know it, you’re steering a unicorn through the intergalactic business space. Although the herd of unicorns numbers few in the scheme of things, business leaders today can learn a great deal […]
CIO: the toughest job in the C-Suite?
With CEOs cutting IT costs and online commerce models becoming outdated almost as soon as they are released, ORESA asks: is the Chief Information Officer the toughest job in the C-Suite? In November 2015, Mark Hurd, the CEO of tech behemoth Oracle, was giving a talk to the Georgia CIO Leadership Association’s annual awards […]
The purpose of Advisory Boards
With an increasing number of organisations turning to advisory boards to provide an objective view of their business, we run through some of their roles and responsibilities and outline the pros and cons of assembling one. No matter how strong your company’s C-suite is, there are times in the evolution of a business when […]